Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Jane Eyre

At first, I really did not want to read this book. Yet, my mom was keep on persuading me to read it saying that she had read a korean version of this book and that it is so fascinating and fun!. I always thought of Jane Eyre as the type of books in which only involved love story and no suspense or action. In other words, I saw this book as a girly story. Yet, I was wrong, as I was reading through this book. I realized how much fun this book contained. It in fact had suspense and a love story.

Jane Eyre is an orphan. After being transferred to an orphanage, she studied hard in the school that was run by the orphanage and eventually became a teacher there. Nonetheless, she suddenly had a feeling taht she needed some changes in her life. So she quit the job and went on looking for a job. WHile looking for a job, she finds that mr. Rochester needs a maid. So she goes and becomes a maid. And she eventually falls in love with him and gets married with him.

ALthough I didn't mention the suspense involved in this novle in my summary. THere is, in fact, a lot of suspense in this book. And I would highly recommend this book

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