Thursday, December 11, 2008

1984 Chapter 5

Winston returns home that evening and immediately opens up his diary. He writes in there about his latest sex ecounter. The party restricted sex and they did so by making sex not pleasurable. However, Winston did not collaborate with their law. Instead, he had recently hired a prostitute to sleep with him. Although the woman wasn't beautiful, he went with it, he wanted to rebel against the government desperately. Even after, Winston wrote his ideas into his diary, he wasn't satistfied.

Winston is not even satisfied with his thought crimes he had been committing. He carries onto screaming out his hatred for the government even more and more.

Friday, December 5, 2008

1984 Chapter 6

After the various committing of thougth crimes, he comes to thinking of a method to throwing the government over. He thinks that the rebellion should come from within the government. Although he knew that these type of occurence was highly improbable, Winston constantly thought of throwing over the government. He thought over various ways. And he suddenly thoguth that he should carry those thoughts into action. He decided to call O Brien. Although he didn't know him by person, Winston knew that O Brien was a person who had within himself a rebellious and flashing mindset.

Winston does not stop in fear of pursuing what he know to be right. But goes on further to finding out more aoubt what he really wanted

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

1984 Chapter 4

After Winston's rebellioius action, he goes out to lunch with a smart intelligent young party man named Syme. Syme was the father of the junior spies who'd accused him of commiting a thought crime. They talk about the party business unitl they hear the announcement from the big brother. That the production of some sort had increased. Winston knew that it had in fact decreased drastically from the day before, yet the people around him seemed to be collaraborating with the news well. Then, Winston suddenly felt like he was being watched.

Winston now feels that he had been in watch for a very long time. Yet, he does not carry on to stopping his thougth crimes. He thinks the way he shouldn't be thinkning in and puts him on the focal point even more and more.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

1984 Chapter 3

Winston goes back to his job and turns on his speakwrite. And he speaks to the machine the new orders of Big Brother. He thinks of the people who are being tricked by the big brother's order.(while the people were being given less food than normal, the big brother was telling them that they were getting more than they should be getting) After that, Winston decides to take another rebellious step. He records of the memories of a Comrade who had been banished because he was thought to be the enemy of the party. Winston creates an imaginary figure and records accordingly to that name

Winston constantly and unknowingly rebels against the government. If he were to be monitored more heavily, he would've been caught immediately. Yet, he wasn't that of an important figure in the party, the monitor wasn't focused on him. Thus, Winston carries on with his 'wrongdoings' without detection.

Monday, October 20, 2008

1984 Chapter 2

In Winston's situation, even the thoughts are monitored by the government. And when winston commits the thought crime, he fears immediately that the thought police will rush in and arrest him for commiting such a crime. However, they do not come 'yet' and he is called to his neighbor to help her out with some chores. The neighbor's children were junior spies, however, and they consistently accuse him of a thought crime. He is continuously tormented by these children. Winston returns to his house and commits another thought crime and goes to sleep. Waking up the next day, Winston is soaked with nostalgia, thinking of his days with his mother.

Imagine a world where nobody can be trusted. Even your neighbors who you are helping are accusing you of crimes and even the single wrong movement is called out by the system. This will torment the people enough, leading to suicide.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Jane Eyre

At first, I really did not want to read this book. Yet, my mom was keep on persuading me to read it saying that she had read a korean version of this book and that it is so fascinating and fun!. I always thought of Jane Eyre as the type of books in which only involved love story and no suspense or action. In other words, I saw this book as a girly story. Yet, I was wrong, as I was reading through this book. I realized how much fun this book contained. It in fact had suspense and a love story.

Jane Eyre is an orphan. After being transferred to an orphanage, she studied hard in the school that was run by the orphanage and eventually became a teacher there. Nonetheless, she suddenly had a feeling taht she needed some changes in her life. So she quit the job and went on looking for a job. WHile looking for a job, she finds that mr. Rochester needs a maid. So she goes and becomes a maid. And she eventually falls in love with him and gets married with him.

ALthough I didn't mention the suspense involved in this novle in my summary. THere is, in fact, a lot of suspense in this book. And I would highly recommend this book


I came in contact with this book through a recommendation of SAT books that I would have to read in order to score good on the SATs. Yet, this book wasn't one of those SAT books which were extreemely boring and tedious. This book actually contained action and suspense that were even comparable to modern fantasy books.
The story starts with a man going to Castle Dracula on a caravan. The author, Stroker, describes this scene so carefully that I almost lost interest as I was reading through 40-50 pages of flowery and descriptive words. Hoewever, real fun starts as the man approaches the castle. The castle is dark, and rainy clouds cover the castle while the other parts of the village does not even have a slight evidence of a cloud. He was a messanger,in fact, however he later finds out in the castle that the count who was living their was a vampire who fed on fresh blood. Terrified to recognize such a horryfying fact, he wishes to quickly return to his homeland. However, on his way back, he brings the count with him to his hometown. And trouble begins. Later, he and his friedns find ways to repel this monster. And kills the count soon after.

This book is the original version of a human vampire. And it is the first book that this type of idea was actually suggested. I have heard of these vampires many times, but I have never encountered the origins of these many tales. But when I read this book. I was able to gain knowledge on the origins of the tales I have heard for a long time.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

1984 Chapter 1

On a cold winter day, Winston Smith walks slowly along the streets, into his house. As he is going up the stair ways of his house he sees the sign BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU. He is a member of the party that is currently governing the world. Winston works in the ministry of truth and after seeing the evil doings of the government, commits some thought crime.

This particular chapter was interesting to me because it told of the misery any situations can bring if he/she was involved in a totalitarain government. When I think of that situation, I don't think I can survive through that hardship.

This actually relates to me a bit because I live in a dormitory system where everybody is watched through the cameras everywhere. I feel like the cameras are symbolizing the sign BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU every time.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


She had a hunched back and was leaning forward. Her face was wrinkled of age and in her eyes were sadness. If anyone cared to take a glimpse into her eyes, he/she will end up will water in his eyes. The lady seemed to have lost her point of direction, wandering from left to right in haste; the lady seemed to be anxious about something.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sophie's World

I was able to take time in reading this novel because I have been reading this novel for almost over a month. This book took a long time to read because it was hard to comprehend. Like post philosophical books, this book would have been broing if this book was not placed on the form of a story. Nonetheless, the author wrote this book so that it would be interesting and intriguing even to teenagers.

The story starts off in Sophie's house. Before, she never thought of who she was or where she came from. However, one day a letter comes to her. And in it are four words "Do you know yourself?" From that point and on, Sophie starts to wonder about where she came from and who she really is. Soon after, she receives another letter, which developes further on into the world of philosophy. And Sophie finds herself totally intrigued by this philosophy.

Later, she finds out that a professor is sending her these sophisticated letter, and she sets out to finding who he really is. And as she continues on with her journey, mystery after mystery follows. And the story becomes even more interesting.

The teachings that the professor gave away to Sophie took on a Non-Christian view. As a Christian, it was interesting to see how the other people saw Christianity. To them Christianity was not a religion but only another form of philosophy.

I highly recommend this book becuase although the story sometimes loses its attractiveness at times, is highly interesting and informational.

Jurassic Park Series 1

I read this novel in haste becasue the due date for this project was stomping into my sight. Nonetheless, the haste wasn't enough to degrade the meaning hidden within this novel. I fully understood the author's intention in writing this novel, and I was able to relate to the world's issue and personal issues.
The story takes place in America where pantheologists are searching for dinosaurs. Suddenly the main character receives a note that an unidentified piece of skin has been discovered somewhere near Costa Rica. Naturally a curious person, the main character soon sets off with his 'lover' to the place where it has been discovered. However, before they go, they gain significant informations about this skin. They find out that this skin was that of a dinosaur.
And when they arrive at the park, they find magnificent and humungous park. It first seems to be in perfect control. Nonetheless, the park goes out of control and dinosaurs rage out of their cage.
This phenomena that happens in this book brought many different thoughts into my mind. Humans tried to conquer nature to reviving its history, nonetheless, nature in other words God did not allow that to happen. Men's attempt only brought back to them despair